Loving Ourselves This Valentine’s

February is considered the month of love, dominated by Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate, honour, and show our affection to our loved ones, but What is LOVE?

Nowadays, Valentine's Day has become a billion dollar industry. We have been made to believe that if we spend money lavishing gifts on our loved ones on this day, we can be exonerated for any bad behaviour we exhibit for the rest of the year.

 Western society has taught us that we can only really feel whole when we are in a relationship, and insists we can only be truly happy when we find our ‘twin flame’ or ‘soul mate.’

It has become the one day of the year where we can believe in the lofty ideal of 'true' love, and forget the messy, challenging and complex nature of relationships.

We have been duped into believing in a fairytale ending where everyone lives ‘happily ever after.’ Those who are alone must be unhappy and unfulfilled, so we unconsciously strive to conform to these norms, and search for happiness in another.

There are three forms of love,and Valentine’s Day illuminates them all, so we can recognise them more clearly. It plays on our societal and inner fears and obsessions about love, loneliness and unworthiness, by focusing on externalities to find harmony, happiness and fulfillment.

The lowest form of love is loving material stuff, such as goods, products and inanimate objects that cannot love us back. When we try to find happiness by consuming, in order to feel better, our yearnings can never be satisfied by material objects. They are vacuous because they can never satiate the need to be loved back, so we lose interest in the object and look for the next thing to fulfill our desires.

The middle form of love (and the most expressed), is loving another human being, but this too leads to disappointment, as we place our dreams, hopes and validations on the other person that can never be fulfilled by someone else.

The highest form of love, is love of Self. True and long-lasting love can only be achieved by loving yourself. When we start loving ourselves, we immediately start seeing that the external world is only a reflection of what we are feeling about ourselves. We realize that how we feel about ourselves is how we act towards others and the world, and everything is only a reflection of our inner state.

When we love ourselves, we love all parts of our personality, including all the dark, shadow sides. We love our vulnerability, our shame, our pain and our anger, and when we embrace all parts of ourselves, we become intimate with ourselves. If we are not intimate with ourselves, it is impossible to be intimate with someone else.

This Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to turn your attention inwards, and spend time lavishing some love, care and affection on yourself, in order to feel more intimate, loving and emotionally healthy.

When we have a deep intimacy with ourselves, we become powerful and untouchable. We are not affected by the outside world because we no longer need anything, or anyone, to make us feel whole. We are fully self-sufficient and no longer need validation by anyone.

The fear of being who we are dissolves, enabling us to be fully vulnerable and empowered to be in love with who we really are, and become truly liberated.

This Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to spend time lavishing some love, care and attention on yourself, and become more harmonious, loving and emotionally healthy.

Join us for a very special online Valentines Cacao Ceremony this Valentine’s Day that will get you feeling blissed out, loved up and deeply connected to yourself. Together we will journey to meet the Cacao Spirit to hear the messages she has for us about loving ourselves more, finding forgiveness, and opening ourselves up to LOVE ❤️

For those of you who are single, this ceremony will help heal old wounds, so that you can open yourself up to love and find your soulmate. It will help dissolve any past relationship pain and trauma, stale energy, and emotional blockages around your heart.

For those already in a relationship, this ceremony will help to deepen the intimate heart connection with your beloved, and re-ignite the passion and magic, especially if your relationship has lost its spark.

A Cacao Ceremony gives us sacred space and time for ourselves in a chaotic and stressful world.

These ceremonies enable us to reconnect with our deep inner guidance. Using Shamanic journeying, Rebekah expertly guides you into the shamanic realms of the unconscious.

It is the perfect space to switch off the external noise, chaos and information overload, and dive deep into ourselves to hear our own wisdom and intuition, in order to find the answers, seek clarity, and know the next steps that we need to take.

Cacao (pure chocolate) is a powerful plant medicine that has been used ceremonially for thousands of years across Central and South America. The people of ancient Mesoamerica attributed a sacred status to Cacao and would drink ceremonially to commune with their gods.

It releases seratonin, dopamine, and Ananadamide (the bliss molecule) making us feel happier, calmer and more peaceful, and is a wonderful tonic to take during these times of chaos and change.

Online on Zoom

What time?

7.00pm - 9.00pm (GMT)

2.00pm-4.00pm (EST)

11.00am-1.00pm (PST)


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