Spring Into Spring

A friend of mine was surprised when I mentioned that we were almost at the peak of Spring. 'Surely, it's just the start - it's been freezing' he replied.

Despite the cold weather we are having, the peak of Spring is heralded by the Spring Equinox, when the Sun is balanced between day and night. Then the days get longer and warmer, until Summer Solstice, when the cycle reverses and the nights get longer.

When we try to fit into man-made time, life becomes more stressful and anxious, because we are following a calendar and clock that has no bearing to natural law. We lose our connection to the natural rhythm and flow of life, and our instinctual sense of time.

We are bound by 'dead-lines', have higher expectations for ourselves and others, and there seem to be more hindrances, delays and confusion, as we become more stressed and anxious, and therefore, less effective. 

However, we don't have to define time by this limited and short-sighted linear perspective.
We can immediately start living more in tune with natural time by following the cycles of the Seasons and the Moon, and synchronising our lives with it.

Aligning with the Seasons
When we were connected to the Earth, and relied on growing food for our survival, the Celtic calendar was based on the four seasons.

It marks the Solstices and Equinoxes, the four Sun festivals that celebrate the Sun's journey from darkness to light, and from Winter to Summer.

In between the Sun festivals, the calendar celebrates four Cross-Quarter festivals that herald the beginning of each season.

Imbolc heralds the Spring, Beltane heralds the Summer, Lammas/Lughnasadh heralds the Autumn, and Samhain /Halloween heralds the Winter.

When we are aligned to the seasons we start aligning with natural time, and life automatically becomes simpler and easier to manage.

Aligning with Natural Time
When we align with natural time that works with the Moon and the seasonal changes, we are syncing ourselves to the great web of life that all living things naturally atune to.

We know that all things are interconnected, and stop working things out from a rational, ego-led perspective. Instead, we follow our intuition that is open to all the possibilities.

When we operate from this energetic heart-level, we learn to trust in the natural flow and have faith that everything is happening perfectly.

Aligning with the Moon Cycle
Just as the Moon has a significant effect on the tides and the oceans, she also plays a significant part in the flow of our lives, as the human body is made up of seventy percent water, as well as having a very subtle energy/magnetic field around the body.

There are 8 phases of the Moon over a course of 28 days, and each phase can help us navigate the week, and manage our lives more productively.

New Moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle and a time to become clear about what you want to achieve over this month. This is a time for starting new projects, birthing new ideas, moving in a new direction, or contemplating on the direction you are already going with. It is time to set your intention and clearly define your desires.

Crescent Moon clarifies our intentions and concretes them, enabling us to be more determined and clearer about what we desire.

Waxing Half Moon begins creating the circumstances that enable us to manifest our new moon intentions. 

Gibbous Moon is a time of activity, as doors open and opportunities start presenting themselves, and we become aware of the synchronicities that are helping us create our new moon intentions.

Full Moon is a time of completion and the fruition of a cycle. This is when our dreams birthed on the new moon can be realised in the physical, and is an opportunity to celebrate the abundance and magic in our lives.

Disseminating Moon is the time to continue harvesting the seed that was planted on the new moon and to be open to all the opportunities that present themselves. This is when the manifestations are most potent, so become aware of the people you are meeting.

Waning Half Moon is an important time to start going inwards, and prepare for inner reflection, evaluation and focus.

New Moon completes the cycle. This is an ideal time of menstruation for women, turning inwards and listening to your inner voice, in order to set your focus and intentions for the new Moon Cycle.

When we follow the Moon and seasons, we no longer need to follow patriarchal time, dictated by the external demands of technology, bureaucracy, deadlines and a fixed calendar. 

We become bound by the natural laws of nature, and experience a much greater level of freedom, sovereignty and happiness.


The Fool


Loving Ourselves This Valentine’s