Friday The 13th - Lucky for Some

If you are feeling a bit discombobulated and uneasy today, you can blame it on Friday the 13th, the most feared and superstitious day of the Christian year.

Over time, this day has become known as unlucky, and its been estimated that approximately twenty-one million people in the States are physically affected by this day.

So why has Friday 13th  become so unlucky?
There are a many explanations for why this day has been cemented into the human psyche as negative, but we can look at the rise of patriarchy and Christian religion when Friday and the number thirteen were considered  unlucky or devils worship.

Earth Mother of Luassel
Thirteen was revered in the old goddess worshipping cultures because there are thirteen moons in the lunar cycle. A 27,000 year carving found in France of the Earth Mother of Luassel – one of the oldest depictions of goddess worship – is a female figure holding a crescent shaped horn with thirteen notches, representing the moon and menstruation cycles. It is also the number of the witches covens and circles.

With the rise of patriarchy and monotheistic religions, they separated us from the Mother cultures and twelve became the number representing’ good,’ while thirteen became the number representing evil/witches/devil worship.

Goddess Freya/Frigg
Friday was the day of worship for the old goddess cultures. Friday is the only day named after a goddess - Frigg or Freya, the Norse Deity of marriage, sex and fertility. Both goddesses correspond to Venus, the goddess of Love for the Romans, who named the sixth day of the week ‘dies Veneris’ after her.
 It was a day of celebration, marriage, and worship for the pagans, so in order to vilify it, Friday became known as the witches Sabbath and, as a day of evil doings. According to Christianity, Friday is the day when God punished man with the Great Flood, Adam and Eve were banishment from the garden of Eden, the tower of babel was shattered, humans were given different languages, and the Temple of Soloman was destroyed.

Witches of the North
In order to cement Friday as being a heathen, day, into the humans psyche, legends of witches and evil became part of the culture. One such story is about the Witches of the North, who celebrated their Sabbath on the new moon in a cemetery. One dark moon, twelve women gathered in the cemetery and the Friday goddess Freya visited them from her mountaintop, where she had been banished for being a witch. She gave each one them her cats, to make thirteen. There are now always thirteen people in a witches coven and thirteen is considered the devils dozen.

Surely, as we begin to wake up out of our religious slumber we can see how all this superstition is now outdated and dangerous.

It is time for us to remember our goddess roots and make Friday 13th the day of honouring the Goddess, love, marriage, sex and fertility, and all the things Patriarchy has tried to suppress and deny.

Today is a day of celebration, take some time out to enjoy your day and celebrate all the wonderfully abundant blessings and synchronicities the Goddess is flowing to you – may today bring you magic and good luck!


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