Mushrooms, Cacao and Blue Lotus - Essential Plant Medicines for these turbulent times

The most important thing the plant medicines taught me was that I am a part of this wondrous eco-system, not apart from it. What I do to myself, I am doing to the earth, and what I do to the earth, I am doing to myself. There is no separation - we are one and the same. They helped me transform from separation consciousness, to unity consciousness. I am now on a mission to help to bring humanity and the environment back into balance.

The plant medicines showed me that humanities only real purpose is to leave this planet healthy and thriving for future generations. If we don’t look after the planet that is looking after us, we are going to become extinct. They fundamentally changed me by helping me to love myself. Only when I began truly loving myself, did I remember that I was also part of the Earth.

It is going to take a shift in consciousness, and a value system reset, to bring humanity and the planet back into balance. We need to reawaken our right brains, so that we can access empathic, compassionate, and intuitive thinking, and come into unity consciousness. Plant Medicines reawaken the right-side of the brain. They show us that we are part of this delicate web of life, and all life is sacred. They are vital for our evolutionary growth, as they help us shift our values and principles to protect and support life, and realign us, once again with the Anima Mundi (Spirit of the World).

 Instead, of our behaviour being solely for personal gain, we understand that even our smallest actions affect the whole, including politically (with our vote), economically (with our buying decisions), ecologically (with our lifestyle decisions), abundantly (with our giving decisions), and emotionally (with our attitude towards ourselves & others).

 In the UK I work with the Spirit of Mushrooms, Cacao and the sacred Blue Lotus flower. These powerful plant medicines taken together create deep long-lasting healing and transformation, and help us experience unity consciousness.

Cacao is a powerful source of four scientifically proven bliss chemicals – serotonin, tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylethylamine. Cacao is an important plant medicine that can help alleviate stress, depression and anxiety, because it increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, as well as inducing the release of endorphins and dopamine, our feel- good hormones. It is also a source of anandamide, a compound named after the Sanskrit word “anand”, meaning bliss, which is said to deliver the same feel-good rush we experience after a workout. This range of natural mood-boosting chemicals mean that we are increasing our happiness levels with each cup of cacao we drink. Cacao can also help us find forgiveness in ourselves and others, and shows us the way forward if we are stuck, or afraid of making necessary life changes.

Blue Lotus has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years as a natural aphrodisiac, sleep aid, and anxiety reliever. Its main psychoactive compound is Apomorphine that helps release dopamine and giving a happy and euphoric feeling. Its other compound is Nuciferine that acts as an antipsychotic drug and induces feelings of calmness. It has also been shown to improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Mushrooms help to alleviate depression and anxiety, caused by stress, regret, and trauma. Once the mind starts ruminating it can be very difficult to break the cycle of anxiety and depression. Mushrooms disrupt the neurological pathways in the brain, and rewire it in a new way, so that you can see life, and past situations, from a new perspective. Mushrooms can also help to release long-term emotional trauma because they help us to face, and find workable solutions to our problems, as well as forgiveness, rather than suppress them like conventional pharmaceutical medication. .

Plant medicines are so important for us right now, as they are sparking this next step in humanity’s evolution. We are seeing a global explosion of their uses, because they unlock the right-side of the brain, transforming separation consciousness into unity consciousness, and automatically shifting our value systems, so we preserve and sustain a thriving and healthy planet for all living things for the next seven generations.


A New Cycle Begins on the Equinox


This is the story of Life