Spring Clean

As March approaches, and the world comes out of one crisis and straight into another, keeping ourselves motivated, positive, and uplifted is becoming increasingly challenging.

We are about to enter a new cycle that starts on March Equinox 2022, and will last till Winter Solstice 2023. As we head deeper into the year we will feel a significant energetic and vibrational shift.

Already, as the last cycle from March Equinox 2020, until Winter Solstice 2021 completed, and we prepare for this new one, the narrative has also changed, from coronavirus to war, and potential World War.

With all the negative news, it is very easy to fall into despair and hopelessness, especially if we have lost our passion and motivation, and feel it's all pointless anyway.

There is nothing we can do personally about what is happening politically. It is way beyond our control. But, just as the butterfly has to struggle out of the cocoon in order to fly, humanity is facing some serious challenges that will force us to make a decision on what future we are leaving our children.

When we start living shamanically we live within the natural Lores of Nature, and start seeing beyond the illusion of our three dimensional reality. Rather than feel depressed by circumstances beyond our control, we know that we are a vital and essential part of the ecosystem, and make conscious choices that make us feel happy and whole.

Now, more than ever, Mother Earth needs people who are brave enough to simultaneously accept their human weaknesses, ego desires and selfishness, and choose a new vision for themselves and humanity that includes all living things that share our planet with us.

When we choose to leave a planet that is healthy and vibrant for our children, we automatically find purpose and passion. We may not be able to change the world, but we can change our tiny part of it, and if everyone changed their tiny part, the world would change in a moment.

Despite the darkness and chaos, we are living in a time when the opportunities open to us are limitless. We are no longer bound by the political, national and social constraints of class, money, heritage, and colour of the past few hundred years.

We are free enough to be who we want to be, and live our dreams, but this has created extreme selfishness and greed that has become destructive

Very soon each one of us will have to make the decision what future are we leaving behind. Because every action we take is having a huge impact on our unfolding planetary story.

And just as a small acorn holds the vision of the mighty Oak Tree, it must first break through the cold darkness of the earth, and trust that the conditions are optimal when it reaches the light.

Likewise, each one of us must find the faith and courage to break through the greed, anxiety and fear, to find a new vision of hope, love and compassion, and choose a path that leaves a healthy, vibrant planet for future generations.


Earthday 2022:A Shamanic Perspective


The Month of Love