New Year, New You

If you’ve strayed from your New Year resolutions, worry not. Use our January Ritual to help you reset your intentions, find your centre, and connect with your flow…

Brew yourself a warming cup of ceremonial-grade Cacao, and find some quiet space and time to relax and slow down. Create a sacred space, put on some calming music, and do some deep breathing and meditation until you reach a stillness within.

Take a piece of paper, or your journal, and write down where you would like to be by the end of 2022. Don’t be shy, restricted by your limitations, or allow rational thinking to stop you from allowing your deepest dreams and desires take shape.

In the quiet stillness, see if you can recognise a pattern or behaviour that is no longer serving you. Instead of focusing on the fear, focus on the feelings of success and achievement you will feel if you follow your dreams. Allow the sensations of inspiration and creativity, and the feelings of joy and harmony to vibrate and flow through you, penetrating every part of your being; every organ, every cell, and every atom.

 You can call on this feeling at any time. The more you feel the joyful sensations associated with your dreams, the quicker they will begin manifesting them in your life. The actual circumstances you experience may differ from your vision, but allowing the Universe to fulfil the core feeling your dreams represent will open up new pathways you may never have even imagined.

Draw up a list of achievable goals and tasks for the first half of 2022. The confidence and momentum you can build from achieving these will carry you further into the unknown during the second half of the year.

·Release the tensions of the past year, and anything you don’t wish to carry with you into 2022, by having a long soak in a warm bath, a massage, acupuncture, energy healing, or any other therapy that strengthens you.  

Start a gratitude diary or practise: at the end of each day, write down or call to mind everything that you are grateful for. Feel the gratitude flow through you as you put together your list. This is a very powerful ritual that reminds us just how lucky and blessed we already are every day.  

Wishing you all a magical 2022!


The Month of Love


Winter Solstice Ritual